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Uni outreach > Resources

This section is divided into four, detailing outreach resources that are available for free through: the Royal Society of Chemistry; the Institute of Physics; the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

(1) Royal Society of Chemistry – Chemistry for our Future Programme

Chemistry: The Next Generation

Chemistry: The Next Generation involves a range of 16 project outreach activities, all available online. The activities cover a variety of topics appropriate for secondary school students and the resources provide details of the logistics, costs and timings of the activities along with step-by-step instructions on carrying out each activity.

Spectroscopy in a Suitcase

The RSC's Spectroscopy in a Suitcase scheme is an outreach activity which gives school students the chance to learn about spectroscopy through hands-on experience. As well as covering the principles of spectroscopic techniques, the activities use real-life contexts to demonstrate the applications of the techniques.

(2) Institute of Physics – Stimulating Physics Programme

Ashfield Music Festival

Developed by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Career Development Organisation (CRAC), Ashfield Music Festival is an activity designed to develop skills in work-related learning and inspire more students to study physics post-16. The activity is a simulation, based on the scenario that a council (Ashfield) wants to create a new music festival.

Repackaging Physics: Selling Physics to Students

This guide promotes the benefits of studying Physics in an interesting and innovative way. The guidance outlined in the document should allow physics departments to reach a less traditional cohort by developing effective strategies of marketing Physics through prospectuses, outreach material and online content.

(3) The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications – More Maths Grads Programme

Maths in a Box

The box contains resources which aim to encourage the uptake and further study of Maths and are suitable from key stage 3 right up to key stage 5. These materials have been tried and tested in schools around England and Wales as part of the government-funded More Maths Grads project. An HE edition of the box is also available.

Maths at University Booklet

This booklet gives a guide to how to apply to do a maths degree, what to expect when studying maths at university, the differences between courses and universities and what opportunities doing such a degree give you.

(4) The Royal Academy of Engineering – London Engineering Programme

Resources for Teachers

The London Engineering Project (LEP) supports the delivery of the school curriculum for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in both primary and secondary schools. Teachers can gain information about hosting STEM days, setting up science and engineering clubs and promoting engineering within their schools.