22 Curriculum & Support Activities
Description Subject: Pan-STEM The Royal Society of Chemistry worked with Bristol ChemLabS and the University of Sheffield to explore ways of making better use of HE laboratories for the benefit of students. These projects provided school students...
Description Subject: Physics & Engineering The Ashfield Music Festival was designed by the Institute of Physics as a mechanism to broaden the perceptions of students and to highlight the range of careers opened up by studying A-level Physics...
Description Subject: Science and Engineering Delivered as part of National Science and Engineering Week 2009, the Royal Academy of Engineering liaised with Tube Lines (one of the major contractors for the London Underground) on a schools project...
Description Subject: Chemistry As part of The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry for our Future programme, a number of stand-alone CPBL resources were produced for undergraduates. These resources are designed to be tutor-led and resource...
Description Subject: Maths The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath runs a 'Maths Communications' module for around 15 final year students every year. Students undertake a series of projects including Bath Taps into...
Description Subject: Pan-STEM The University of Bath's online open week is designed to provide prospective students with information on its Foundation degrees. These degrees' emphasis on work-based learning equips students with the necessary...
Description Subject: Maths The University of Exeter's Outreach Team supports the delivery of activities for students in Years 10 - 13, which are provided through the Devon Further Maths Centre and hosted on the University's Streatham Campus...
Description Subject: Pan-STEM The University of Exeter is joining forces with 10 other leading English universities to widen access. In a new initiaitive, the Universities of Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, King's College London, Leicester, Leeds...
Description Subject: Pan-STEM The Open University's supported open learning model of course delivery makes a significant contribution to widening participation. The institution has an open access policy which means that students do not need A-Levels...
Description Subject: Engineering The OU offers a 10 credit point course "Return to Science, Engineering". This ten-week course is aimed at people (often women) who have previously studied or worked in Science, Engineering or Technology and who are...