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Developing Writing in STEM Disciplines

Lead Institution: University of Bath
Collaborating with: University of Limerick, University College London, Coventry University, University of the West of England, Oxford Brookes University, Plymouth University, University of Exeter

Online Resources > Links

Useful links:


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A moderated news service provided by the independent, not-for-profit AlphaGalileo Foundation Ltd. It distributes to the media news releases and other information from science, health, technology, the arts, humanities, social sciences and business.

Association of British Science Writers (ABSW)

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The ABSW supports those who write about science and technology, and aims to improve the standard of science journalism in the UK. It is an association of science writers, journalists, broadcasters and science-based communication professionals.

Bad Science

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Dr Ben Goldacre's column from the UK’s Guardian newspaper in weblog format. Covers media misrepresentations of science, with a particular focus on medicine.

Behind the Headlines

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A National Health Service website, founded by Professor Sir Muir Gray, Behind the Headlines seeks to provide an unbiased and evidence-based analysis of health stories that make the news.

Building for growth

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Education and skills survey 2011, published by the Confederation of British Industry. Includes a chapter on  the need for STEM skills, including current and predicted shortages in skilled staff.

Educating Engineers for the 21st Century

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A 2007 report by the Royal Academy of Engineering based on a survey of attitudes, expectations and experiences of key customers, providers and recipients of engineering education in the UK.

Engage in Research: an interactive resource for bioscience students

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Developed by the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Applied Undergraduate Research Skills (CETL-AURS), University of Reading, UK. It includes information, materials and activities on scientific writing and presenting.

Getting it write: best practice in academic writing

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An entry by Eliza Anyangwe on the Guardian Higher Education Network Blog.

I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar

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An article by Kyle Wiens on the Harvard Business Review Blog Network.

STARS personal development tool

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The outcome of a collaborative project between The University of Bedfordshire, The Open University and Sheffield Hallam University. It is an interactive, online, personal development tool that enables students in Higher Education and recent graduates to identify and describe their employability skills.


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A JISC-funded project, led by the Thinking Writing team at Queen Mary, University of London, that has generated a collection of texts, commentaries, You Tube videos and other learning resources contributed by school teachers, university tutors and employers.

Thinking Writing at Queen Mary's, University of London

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These webpages introduce a Thinking Writing approach, of building on small to larger tasks in disciplinary course programmes, to help develop students' academic literacy.

Trans:It Project

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Trans:it was developed by the University of Bradford and partners. It is a suite of support tools for students and tutors in Further Education to help students prepare for learning in Higher Education, especially in Chemistry, Physics and Engineering.

WRiSE: Write Reports in Science and Engineering

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An online learning environment, developed by the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales, Australia. It includes:

  • clear descriptions and examples of report structure and language within each section of a report
  • interactive examples and exercises that allow students to understand and practise appropriate structures and language
  • feedback for both appropriate and inappropriate student writing
  • commentary by students and staff on expectations, common problems and the report writing process

Writing for Assignments E-Library (WrAssE), University of Plymouth

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An archive of assessed students' work in a variety of disciplines, showing markers' feedback within a critical thinking framework.

Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students

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Created by US contributors from Penn State, Georgia Tech, University of Illinois, University of Texas and Virginia Tech. Includes advice, practical exercises and guidelines for presentation slides and posters, types of correspondence, and formal reports.

Staff involved

Dr Trevor Day
Project lead, University of Bath

Dr Íde O'Sullivan
University of Limerick

Dr Karen Bultitude
University College London

Dr Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams
Coventry University

Dr Margarida Sardo
University of the West of England

Dr Mary Deane
Oxford Brookes University

John Hilsdon
Plymouth University

Lawrence Cleary
University of Limerick

Rachel Canter
University of Exeter