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Quantifying the benefits to collaborating companies of working with groups of students on UG projects

Lead Institution: University of Bath
Collaborating with: Bournemouth University

This is a sub-project of Get STEM working: innovation with employer and student engagement


Projects that are proposed by companies are an excellent way of building a relationship between the University and local enterprise. Through a long history of such projects there is significant evidence that such projects are extremely beneficial to students’ experience both from a learning point of view and the satisfaction of doing work that is ‘needed’.  This project sought to quantify the value to the company. 

Aims & Objectives

• Assess a number of current employer-led group projects to establish whether the delivered work and companies’ engagement with a group of students has a positive value which can be quantified
• Share the findings of the above experiment with other project leads as part of this regional project so that they may inform the development of different strands of activity
• Disseminate the findings to the wider HE STEM community via SW Spoke events and other relevant platforms such as the annual Engineering and Product Design Education Conference

Staff involved

Graham Outram
Project lead, University of Bath

Christine Keenan
Bournemouth University

Penny Mitchell
Bournemouth University