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Development and implementation of a programme of employability skills for Science undergraduates

Lead Institution: University of Bath

This is a sub-project of Strengthening, extending and embedding employer engagement


This project has implemented an employer-led development programme within the first year of our undergraduate programmes.  Through collaboration with our industrial placement partners, the project developed a needs-led skills programme to will improve the employability skills within undergraduate students from the outset of their degree programme.  The programme provided students with the understanding of how to gain and increase employability skills through utilising the opportunities available both within University and through industrial/professional experience.

Aims & Objectives


This project aimed to build upon the success of the placements programme at the University of Bath through increasing employability skills in first year undergraduate students, and promoting personal development planning throughout the entire degree programme.

Building upon the success of our placements programme we proposed the implementation of an employer-led development programme within the first year of our undergraduate programmes. Through collaboration with our industrial placement partners, this project developed a needs-led skills programme to improve the employability skills within undergraduate students from the outset of their degree programme. This programme provided students with the understanding of how to gain and increase employability skills through utilising the opportunities available both within University and through industrial/professional experience.


Increasing employer participation

i. The development programme would consist of eight sessions. This would equate to four skills sessions for each Semester. Each of these sessions will have core objectives against which students can measure their development, enabling reflection on their personal learning and performance. This will help students to identify their personal areas of strength, whilst also identifying the skills that they need to build upon. Each session will provide guidance on how to find suitable opportunities that will allow students to continue building and developing their key skills.

ii. The project would also facilitate a voluntary mentoring scheme to increase employer participation in the programme using the established industrial contacts made through the placements programme. The project would also reach out to final year students who have undertaken placements, and graduates from the associated Departments for mentoring.

iii. The project would aim to support students in finding summer placements after their first year of study. This would allow students to apply the skills and knowledge gained through the development programme directly within the workplace, whilst building a skills profile that can be used for placement applications and interviews.

Staff involved

Louise Oliver
Project lead, University of Bath

Dawn Hallett
University of Bath