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Welcome to the South West Regional website for the National HE STEM Programme! The Programme, which concluded on 31st July 2012, supported universities to explore new approaches to recruiting students and delivering programmes of study within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

The South West Spoke team (based at the University of Bath) oversaw delivery of some £1.4 million of project activity across three themes:

  1. Widening Participation
  2. Curriculum Development
  3. Workforce Development

A huge range of free outputs were produced from 40 innovative and collaborative projects across these three themes, with outputs accessible through the categories on the right. These categories are set as 'view all' by default but you can also search them by theme by clicking on 'widening participation', 'higher education curriculum' or 'workforce development' to the right of 'view all'.

Further details about the Programme are under 'About the programme' whilst you can read more about each of the 40 projects funded under 'All Projects.'