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Developing & Enhancing STEM Communicator Models

Lead Institution: University of Bath
Collaborating with: Science Learning Centre South West / Institute of Physics, University of Bristol, University College London

Project Outputs > Accredited STEM Communication Models - Useful Materials

In order to assist other universities that may be considering the introduction of STEM communication activities into curricula, copies of the materials used by the University of Bath with regards their Communicating Maths module can be found below.

Communicating Maths is a level 3 module, available to any mathematics undergraduates in their 3rd or 4th years. Numbers taking the course are restricted to 20 per year with selection based on a short written statement by potential candidates. The course is assessed 100% through coursework.

During the module, students typically work in teams to deliver and evaluate:

  1. An exhibition during the Bath Taps Into Science Festival which demonstrates a key STEM idea to a family audience
  2. A mathematics masterclass for Key Stage 3 students (preceded by an observation of a masterclass which they should also evaluate)
  3. A hands-on STEM activity taken from a list of options such as: delivering a lesson at a school (primary or secondary), taking part in the Big Bang Fair, working as a maths journalist, taking part in a maths theatre event, maths busking etc.

Each of the above is worth 25% of the overall mark. For the final 25%, each student creates a permanent piece of work on a mathematical theme, in the medium of their choice, to an audience of their choice.

Below you will find the course descriptor for Communicating Maths and associated information on assessment for the module.

Course Descriptor

Assessment Criteria

Staff involved

Professor Chris Budd
Project lead, University of Bath

Dr Alison Rivett
Science Learning Centre South West / Institute of Physics

Dr Helen Heath
University of Bristol

Dr Karen Bultitude
University College London