All project outputs > Good Practice Guide: Top tips & Resources
Diversity > Tackling Challenges
The below are tips drawn from regional and national contacts with regards to tackling common challenges to ensure that STEM Outreach activities are accessible to all:
- Any changes to the curriculum should be informed by an understanding of gender issues and the impact of changes on girls must be monitored
- Place subject theory within its practical context
- Provide opportunities for problem-based learning and discuss STEM practice in society
- Offer support and networking opportunities
- Emphasise links between students and lecturers
- Promote cooperative working amongst students
- Use a range of assessment methods
- Develop mechanisms to make use of student feedback
- The Open University have years of experience in effective provision for students with a disability (8% of OU students have declared a disability) so contact them for advice
- Run clubs at lunch time to maximise the number of students that can attend. This will allow pupils who have to leave for family commitments or those who may have special transport arrangements immediately after school to be included in the club
- Research the background of different cultural groups (e.g. Quaker pupils may not want to be included on visits to the armed forces; Muslim pupils may not want to go on an industrial visit to a factory that handles pork or alcohol)