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Progressing from labour market intelligence to HE level provision that is well supported by employers

Lead Institution: University of Exeter
Collaborating with: Petroc College, Weymouth College, Plymouth University, University of Bath, University of the West of England

What next?

Marchmont Observatory

Marchmont Observatory

The project partners have indicated that they will be using the outcomes of the review and implementing the tools developed by the project to improve employer engagement processes.  

The Marchmont Observatory will be facilitating two peer review meetings in October and December 2012 to bring together partners to review implementation of the tools and share the learning from that. The Employer Engagement Continuum website will allow for ongoing dissemination of the tools and resources developed by the project.

Staff involved

Chris Evans
Project lead, University of Exeter

Hilary Todd
Project coordinator, University of Exeter

Cerian Ayres
Petroc College

Dr Barrie Cooper
University of Exeter

Dr Ross Kay
Weymouth College

Hilary Stevens
University of Exeter

Mark Stone
Plymouth University

Suzanne Maxwell
University of Bath

Wendy Fowles-Sweet
University of the West of England

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