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HE STEM Workforce Development & Employability in the South West Conference

On Monday 18th June over 100 delegates attended the SW Spoke's Workforce Development & Employability Conference at Sandypark, Exeter. The conference provided an opportunity for HE STEM project teams from universities and colleges in the region to share their findings from a wide range of work...

Training the Trainers: Beginners' Guide to Evaluation

The National HE STEM Programme has supported the NCCPE and the Beacons for Public Engagement to develop two courses to support HE STEM practitioners to develop their evaluation work: 1. Getting Started - A Beginners' Guide to Evaluation 2. Evaluation Masterclass: Making use of your evaluation:...

National HE STEM Events

For other National HE STEM events see the National HE STEM Programme's website at

What Works? Student Retention & Success Conference 2012

Date: 28-29 March 2012  Venue: University of York This two-day conference, taking place on 28-29 March at York University, will take a research-informed approach to answering the question ‘what works’ to improve student retention and success in higher education.  Professor Kerri-Lee Krause, Pro...

Maths Strand Outputs in the National HE STEM Programme

Dates: Various, Venues: Various Each workshop will run in two parts, enabling colleagues to attend the sessions which are most appropriate for them. Part A: 11am – 1pm  Outreach, Widening Participation, Careers and Employer Engagement.Delivered by Makhan Singh and Hazel Lewis, Institute of...

Accessible Teaching Online Workshops

Date: Tuesdays, 1-1.20pm fortnightly, Venue: online In 2012, JISC TechDis is delivering a series of short online workshops to help make learning and teaching accessible and inclusive. These fortnightly (Tuesday) workshops will help you make the most of JISC TechDis tools and resources. Sessions are...

Evaluating STEM Outreach & Evidencing Impact

PAST EVENTS 29th February: Birmingham, 7 March: London, 8 March: Cardiff Ever wondered whether the HE STEM outreach activities you are doing have any value? Want to improve your practice but don't know where to start? Fed up of feedback questionnaires but want to develop an evaluation plan that...

Bringing STEM Curricula to Life through Public Engagement

PAST EVENT Date: Thursday 1st March 2012 Venue: Aston Business School Conference Centre & Hotel Event Overview Bringing STEM Curricula to life through public engagement was jointly organised by the NCCPE and the National HE STEM program at the Aston Business School Conference Centre.  From this...

Effectively Evaluating Placements Workshops 1&2

PAST EVENTS Two complementary half-day workshops were held at the University of Bath on 27th February 2012 (19 attendees) and 5th March 2012 (11 attendees). Event Details The workshops focussed on placement learning for members of staff at the University of Bath with responsibility for or...

Addressing the needs of employers: writing development and other forms of engagement on undergraduate STEM programmes

PAST EVENT This 'sold-out' day-event (30 attendees) was the second of its kind and ran on 16th February 2012 in Bath at the American Museum (previously held at MMU, 24/11/2011). Event Details The purpose of this workshop was to examine approaches to mapping employability skills within...

University of Bath HE STEM Seminar

PAST EVENT This afternoon-event ran on Monday 30th January 2012 and was open to all staff at the University with an interest in finding out more about HE STEM projects being developed and implemented at Bath. The seminars showcased 13 projects, presented by 12 speakers to a total audience of 36...

University of Exeter HE STEM Seminar

PAST EVENT This interactive seminar was run from 1-3.30 pm on Wednesday, 25 January 2012 at the University's Streatham Campus, with the aim of showcasing the variety of projects being undertaken by staff at the University of Exeter as part of the National HE STEM Programme.  The event started with...


Effectively Evaluating Placements Workshops 1&2

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Two complementary half-day workshops were held at the University of Bath on 27th February 2012 (19 attendees) and 5th March 2012 (11 attendees).

Event Details

The workshops focussed on placement learning for members of staff at the University of Bath with responsibility for or an interest in student placements and placement learning.

The workshops covered evaluation of the placement situation itself, in terms of its potential or otherwise to promote learning and not the assessment of the student's placement performance.

'it is always useful to understand from others' perspectives'

'it is always useful to understand from others' perspectives'

The first workshop provided opportunities to think about and discuss placement learning, including its promoters and inhibitors. Handouts of real data from students were used in the workshop activities to really understand how to practically categorise student feedback.

Enhanced understanding of placement learning helps define those properties that constitute high quality placements, those with high potential to facilitate student learning and development.  A newly developed document Guidelines for the Evaluation of Placement Learning Opportunities was introduced.

The second workshop built on the first and provided opportunities for considering placement evaluation in more depth. Frameworks and Models for in depth analysis of placement situations were introduced and staff were invited to trial these tools using feedback from their own students.

The workshops fit in with the current Placements Business Review Process being undertaken at the University.

Materials from the workshops can be found here:

Workshop agendas

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Guidelines for the Evaluation of Placement Learning Opportunities

Understanding learning

Lessons from student feedback

Frameworks for Analytical Evaluation of Work Placements