The South West Spoke commissioned the development of a series of activity ideas and resources which involve using the video and audio resources on the Creative STEM area of our website.
The activity ideas below are aimed at FE and HE practitioners who are involved in:
You're very welcome to take the ideas and resource sheets and adapt them for your purpose under the terms of the creative commons licence shown on each one.
You'll find more activity ideas that use video material produced by SW HE STEM projects on the pages for Becoming a STEM Enthusiast and Adult Returner Journeys Through HE to STEM Careers.
If you're working as an outreach practitioner, and you're interested in setting up a community of practice, the activity below has suggestions about how to structure an
STEM outreach
initial meeting using input from a selection of Creative STEM video and audio materials.
There are also suggestions and resources for facilitating a meeting between outreach practitioners and HE STEM lecturers on the subject of challenging perceptions of STEM.
Resources for WP and outreach practitioners
You can find out more about the SW HE STEM project Community of Practice for Outreach and WP Practitioners here.
If you're interested in facilitating a meeting in your own institution about setting up a peer assisted learning scheme or developing a range of strategies to improve the induction process, the suggested activities below show how the Creative STEM video and audio resources can help.
They include clips of practitioners from a number of universities in the South West talking about their own experiences of this area of work.
Resources for academics and others involved in supporting transition and induction
PAL students
The following SW HE STEM projects looked at the process of peer assisted learning and transition and induction:
Peer Assisted Learning and STEM
Transition & Induction Experiences of WP Students
The activities below have ideas for encouraging HE staff in the development of strategies to improve the employability skills of
HE staff seminar
learners on STEM degree programmes. This includes the exploration of an approach that involves learners in curriculum planning.
Resources for HE staff developers
You can find more information about the SW HE STEM project related to this area of work below:
Student-led Employability Audit Toolkit
The activities below include suggestions for how the video and audio materials can be used to stimulate discussion about the challenges and rewards of engaging employers, particularly in relation to workforce development.
Resources for HE staff involved in employer engagement and workforce development
You can find out more about the SW HE STEM project in which four regional universities and two further education colleges reviewed their approaches to employer engagement from the link below.
Progressing from labour market intelligence to HE provisioin that is well-supported by employers