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Community of Practice CLJ

The project Developing a Community of Practice for STEM Outreach and WP Practitioners aimed to broker and facilitate community-wide sharing and dissemination of good practice in relation to STEM Outreach and WP activities via the establishment of an online community website and encouragement of face-to-face discussions. The hope was to enhance the range of resources available to Outreach and WP practitioners, and so raise awareness of STEM subjects both among students who would not otherwise have considered studying them, and students from non-traditional backgrounds who are under-represented in STEM subjects.

A range of 21 audio, photography and video captures were used to build the project's CLJ, featuring contributions from a range of practitioners involved in the community of practice. A couple of media cards are demonstrated below; for the full range, head to CreativeSTEM.

Community of Practice CLJ - Select Media Cards

Why set up a Community of Practice for outreach?

Why set up a Community of Practice for outreach?

Barrie Cooper, University of Exeter

Audio not visible or playable? Listen here

Using outreach expertise from across the higher education sector is critical to tackling the growing workforce gap in engineering and the loss of widening participation support provided by Aimhigher says Barrie Cooper, Assistant Director of Education, University of Exeter. For a transcript of this audio, head to This activity was undertaken as a part of the National HE STEM Programme, via the South West Spoke. For more information on South West Spoke projects, please see For more information on the overall national programme, please see
Having fun is the most effective learning tool

Having fun is the most effective learning tool

Alex Narduzzo, University of Bath

Stand first: Drawing inspiration from a Maths roadshow, Alex Narduzzo explains how giving people freedom to do different activities and have fun helps create a successful community of practice. This activity was undertaken as a part of the National HE STEM Programme, via the South West Spoke. For more information on South West Spoke projects, please see For more information on the overall national programme, please see
My tips on growing and evaluating Communities of Practice

Audio not visible or playable? Listen here

Adopting a speed-dating set up and moving away from an academic-only space are some of the lessons Academic Director of the University of Brighton's Community University Partnership Programme, Professor Angie Hart, has learned in creating successful communities of practice. For a transcript of this audio, head to This activity was undertaken as a part of the National HE STEM Programme, via the South West Spoke. For more information on South West Spoke projects, please see For more information on the overall national programme, please see

Remember, the full selection of media cards for the Community of Practice CLJ can be accessed at