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Research Reports & Articles

A collection of research reports and articles either produced or recommended by projects supported by the National HE STEM Programme in the South West region.

7 Research Reports & Articles

STEM Communication Models - An Evaluation

Project: Developing & Enhancing STEM Communicator Models
Lead Institution: University of Bath


Project: Visual Impairment & STEM
Lead Institution: University of Bath

2012 - 2013 Access Agreements: A Comparative Report

Project: Community of Practice for Outreach and WP Practitioners
Lead Institution: University of Exeter

Accessiblog - Tips for Supporting Teaching & Learning

Project: Visual Impairment & STEM
Lead Institution: University of Bath


Project: Visual Impairment & STEM
Lead Institution: University of Bath

Evaluation Survey

Project: Effective Evaluation of STEM Outreach
Lead Institution: National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement

Disability Practitioner Event - 'Are we doing it right?'

Project: Visual Impairment & STEM
Lead Institution: University of Bath