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Enhancing Workplace Statistical Literacy

Lead Institution: Plymouth University
Collaborating with: Devon County Council

Project Summary

This project aimed to provide (a) a feasibility study for delivering work based training in statistical literacy and (b) to directly compare blended learning with entirely on-line learning.   We have obtained good evidence that a wide range of participants can engage and benefit from training in various aspects of statistical literacy, ranging from “defining a research question” to “critical appraisal of a published article” through to understanding ideas around randomness and lurking variables.  

Plymouth University

Plymouth University

We have found that in our hands at least, face to face discussion of some of the “tricky” ideas is essential, and we have been unable to replicate learning success using the entirely online course.

As a result of this project, over 84 professionals from the public sector with a range of responsibilities in Road Casualty Reduction (from Road Safety Officers to Data Analysts as well as their supervisors) have attended a statistical literacy course.  A wide range of learners have reported that they have  developed their own professional practice as a result.

“The course has given us more confidence in interpreting data.  Now when we hear or read statistical information on the TV or in the paper, we question its accuracy and think of the what ifs” (Devon County Council employee)

Contact Dr Paul Hewson

What colour are oranges? What is this?

Staff involved

Dr Paul Hewson
Project lead, Plymouth University

Jeremy Phillips
Devon County Council

Poppy Husband
Devon County Council