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Regional Communities of Practice

North East CoP

Plans for 2012 - 2013 The North East CoP will be convened through delivery of a local Science Festival, building on last year's successful and collaborative delivery of the British Science Association's Science Festival at the University of Bradford. We will produce a sustainable model, enabling...

North West CoP

Plans for 2012 - 2013 The aim of the North West CoP is to develop a community of universities and third sector organisations (TSOs) tasked with making science inspirational, accessible and relevant to hard-to-reach social groups. The CoP has the following 3 objectives: 1) To develop collaborative...

South Wales CoP

Plans for 2012 - 2013 The South Wales Community of Practice (CoP) is being formed around the existing Science Alliance Cymru network, which has been in place for 5 years. This project provides the opportunity for network members to work together and develop relationships that can be sustained in...

South West CoP

Plans for 2012 - 2013 The South West CoP will form new partnerships with the Bristol Somali Resource Centre (BSRC), the British Science Association, Bristol City Council and the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications to: 1. Raise awareness and appreciation of STEM disciplines and of higher...

West Midlands CoP

Plans for 2012 - 2013 The aim of the West Midlands CoP is to extend university outreach activities into hard-to-reach community groups to engage potential STEM learners and their parents. In working towards this aim, the CoP has the following objectives: Working with Wolverhampton City Council and...


South Wales CoP

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Plans for 2012 - 2013

The South Wales Community of Practice (CoP) is being formed around the existing Science Alliance Cymru network, which has been in place for 5 years. This project provides the opportunity for network members to work together and develop relationships that can be sustained in the future.

The projects will take an existing school engagement activity and look to extend this to other audiences. The existing activity is the STEM in X day (where X is an industry name, e.g. Medicine, Heritage, Energy) which is based on the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 'Chemistry at Work' Day. School pupils attend a carousel of activities that are designed to show the range of careers possible from a STEM base.

The CoP will use these events to invite other audiences after the schools have gone so that these audiences can understand careers choices better. These groups may include: parents or school governors so that they can support the careers choices of their children and pupils better; long term unemployed people so that they can see possible alternative careers; or specific under-represented groups so that they might consider undertaking STEM at university.

Find out more / Get involved 

The South Wales CoP is being supported by:

Bruce Etherington, Community Engagement Manager, Cardiff University


T 029 2087 6934

You can find out about the latest developments in the work of the South Wales CoP through the national project website.