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External > Nuffield Science Bursary Scheme


Subject: Science & Engineering

Nuffield Foundation Science Bursaries offer up to 1000 bursaries a year, for students to work alongside practising scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians. Projects take place during the summer holidays, giving students an insight into the world of scientific research and development. Wherever possible, students are placed in organisations that enable them to undertake a project of interest to them.

STEM students are eligible to apply for a bursary of £80 per week to support them during their project. Placements are available across the UK, in universities, industry or research institutions. The experience is highly valued by universities and is a significant advantage for students seeking entry to HE institutions.

This scheme enables students to work on ‘real’ scientific and engineering research projects alongside practising scientists and engineers in research establishments and companies. Bursaries of approximately £400 are available to successful students who undertake a 4 - 6 week placement in an industry or research establishment. 

Target Audience

Year 12 students.

Find Out More

Further information can be found on the Nuffield Foundation's website or call 020 7631 0566.