All project outputs > Good Practice Guide: Activities
External > ChemLabS Summer Schools
Subject: Chemistry
The University of Bristol's ChemLabS department runs several summer schools that are heavily based on practical work with talks, lectures, lecture-demonstrations and cultural activities completing the jigsaw. Attendees at summer schools have their aspirations raised and become more aware of what their potential futures as undergraduate scientists might entail. Bristol has for many years hosted summer schools for the Salters' organisation as well as running its own.
Organisations such as Salters, together with the Royal Society of Chemistry, organise a number of 2.5 day Salters Chemistry Camps throughout the UK for Year 10s (14-15 year old) with a limit of two students per school.
- Joint summer school with Trinity College, Dublin: Students 16 years and over spend half the week in Bristol ChemLabS and the other half at Trinity College, Dublin. Students from several countries usually attend these workshops.
- Chemistry experience summer school for Year 12.:This two day residential summer school is held each July and is for any Year 12 student who is thinking of applying for a chemistry degree course anywhere in the UK. Students have the opportunity to work in undergraduate teaching laboratories and to attend lectures, talks and tours. One feature of this course is a session where students can ask admissions officers from at least two universities about the application process and what is required on personal statements.
- Two day summer school for school groups: Bristol offers schools the opportunity to bring groups of their students for a residential experience.
- Four day summer school: This residential summer school is based entirely at Bristol.
Target Audience
Students in Years 10 - 13.
Find Out More
The Salters Website has full details on Chemistry Camps. At ChemLabS, Sue Williams (Secretary) is able to provide further information or call 0117 928 8663.